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1. 1. We shall not be liable for any damages caused by using the information posted on this site.
2. 2. The corporation shall not be liable for any damage caused to the user or a third party due to the contents of this site.
3. 3. Although we strive to keep the content on this site as accurate as possible, we do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or up-to-dateness of the posted content.
4. We guarantee the accuracy, completeness, usefulness, up-to-dateness, appropriateness, certainty, operability, etc. of the contents of this site and the information that users obtain through this site. It does not do.
5. Our corporation does not guarantee that users will not be damaged by harmful programs such as computer viruses when using this site.
6. Regardless of the reason, we shall not be liable for any damage caused by the change of the information posted on this site and the interruption or suspension of the operation of this site.

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