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Thyroid ophthalmopathy is not a disease of despair

Thyroid ophthalmopathy (Graves' ophthalmopathy) is a disease that can be improved with appropriate treatment. We hope that patients with thyroid eye disease will be able to receive appropriate treatment for the disease and be insured for them. And for that, we will raise our voice and act.

1 Long-term purpose = vision

To advance medical care for thyroid eye disease in Japan.
Specifically, to enable patients and close relatives to do the following things as a matter of course in Japan.
① Patients and close relatives can obtain necessary and sufficient information regarding thyroid eye disease and its treatment.
(2) Patients and close relatives can exchange information with other patients and close relatives and share their worries and sufferings without having to worry.
③ Patients can receive appropriate treatment for thyroid ophthalmopathy (orbital decompression, hospitalization / day trip steroid pulse, eye steroid injection, radiation therapy, etc.) with insurance. 

2 Short-term purpose

We aim to apply K 235 intraorbital tumor resection (deep) to all types of orbital decompression sickness nationwide.

Concept of this patient association

In addition to recovering from thyroid ophthalmopathy, the Patients'Association wants its members to participate in the activities of the Patients' Association to make the experience of thyroid ophthalmopathy a meaningful experience .
We are also proactively providing opportunities to make the experience of thyroid eye disease meaningful through the experience and encounters of being involved with thyroid eye disease and becoming a member of this patient association .
Petition activities that are rarely performed in everyday life.
Participation in the first online exchange meeting.
First online interview.
Skill improvement as a result of activities as management members and staff.
Experience that can be achieved by acting in activities related to orbital decompression insurance coverage.
Encounters among them.
We hope that you will gain various things through your participation in this patient's association and make your experience with thyroid ophthalmopathy meaningful.


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